Friday, 24 October 2014

Team Meeting

Team Meeting 

This week (Week 5) as a group we discussed the following:
  • That as a group we should try and find people which can help us empty the cargo container and also help us put the items back, as this makes it quicker for us to start filming. 
  • Benedicte will be our main camera woman as Simone is an actor now
  •   while we are filming we should take pictures of what we are doing so we can put it on our blog to show what we were doing on this day, rather than just talking about it
  • We are deciding what kind of pictures will look good as a poster and also looking at if we should take some photos in the locations we are filming at (Hollow ponds and cargo container) to put in the posters as well. 
  • Talking about what days to shoot our scenes as we are now behind schedule.
  • To use close up and extreme close ups to set the scene rather than just using an establishing shot. 

Day 3 - Editing

Today, we are editing the first day shoot footage, the second day and the footage from yesterdays shoot. We look at all the footage from yesterday and  decide what footage to use and what didn't work, watching them back and editing them further cutting stuff down to make sure that they blend probably.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Day 3- Filming

Today we started filming  scenes 6 to 10 on college grounds inside the cargo container. We were able to film  half of what we wanted to film and the other half we will complete after our half term.
we had to empty the cargo first which took us about 20-25 minutes. Before hand, Benedicte and Simone went to buy some portable lights to put in the cargo as there is not light in there.
 When we finished filming for the day, it took us about 45 minutes to an hour to put everything back in as the cargo has a big gap between the floor and the entrance and there where some heavy objects to put back in. Since our director wasn't able to be at this film shooting we had somebody from outside our group to help us as we needed extra hands which we are very thankful for.

Film crew of the day:
Camera: Benedicte
Actors: Shorai & Simone
Director: Benedicte, Shorai & Simone
Assistant: Precious.

Day 3- Weather Report

 This is the weather report for the time we was filming in the cargo container.

Research and Planning Moving Image Work

Day 2- Editing

Today, we are editing the first day shoot footage, the second day . We look at all the footage from both shoots and decided which ones we liked then watching them back and editing them further cutting stuff down to make sure that they blend probably.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Day 2- Filming

This is day 2 of filming, we shot scenes 3 to 5.
Film Crew of the Day:
Camera: Benedicte
Actors: Shorai & Simone
Director: Vijaya

Day 2- Weather Report

This is the report for todays weather.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Day 1- Editing

Today was our first editing session. we edited the our first shoot. we first look at all the footage form the shoot and wrote a list of the ones we liked. we them look at the ones from the list again and chose the final ones. we started to put them together to see if there blend and see which shot we need to shoot again.
this is the list:

Monday, 20 October 2014

Day 1- Filming

Today we started filming. We filmed scenes 1 to 3. We were unable to record the amount we wanted to as the majority of the time it was raining and it also got dark really quickly, but we are happy we were finally able to start filming. We shoot a variety of shots and angles such as long shot, mid shot worms angle etc. we shot was hand-held. We took this as an experience to check the equipment on how it works before we use it. we learnt a lot throughout this shot and will take them things into consideration when next shooting.
 Film crew of the day:
Camera: Benedicte
Actors: Shorai & Simone
Director: Simone, Benedicte

Day 1- Weather Report

This is the weather report  today, as you can see it has been raining which was an advantage and disadvantage for us. The advantage from it raining was it added a gloomy down day feel to the film. Where as the disadvantage where that the camera was getting wet so we had to stop filming until the rain stop which wasted a lot of time. we know that next time filming we bring a umbrella.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

New Storyboard

After discussing about the changes in actors some people in the group did not believe that having two female characters would work . From this Simone decided to create a new story board following the one we drew up before and including items which we discussed as a team, with two female characters.



The group has confirmed that Simone to be the other actor in replace of the male actor. This will benefit our group as we now have the two actors we need, which are reliable and will be at the location on time. we discuss this in our group chat on  'whatsapp' and came up with this conclusion. this changes the roles around so now the film crew is:
 Camera: Benedicte
Director: Vijaya
Actors: Shorai (female) & Simone

Friday, 17 October 2014

New Script


When shorai is a actor not simone

Weather Forecast

Team Meetings, Week 3

Team meeting notes:
In our third group meeting we discussed:
  • Actress changes
  • What days we will be filming what
  • what to do if one of the cast members can't make it - replacements
  • special effects what we can and cannot do, which colours and shades to use.
  • We've discussed where to film in hollow ponds.
  • We know what area to film in.
  • Progression of actors and members.
  • What the cargo looks like