Team Meeting
This week (Week 5) as a group we discussed the following:
- That as a group we should try and find people which can help us empty the cargo container and also help us put the items back, as this makes it quicker for us to start filming.
- Benedicte will be our main camera woman as Simone is an actor now
- while we are filming we should take pictures of what we are doing so we can put it on our blog to show what we were doing on this day, rather than just talking about it
- We are deciding what kind of pictures will look good as a poster and also looking at if we should take some photos in the locations we are filming at (Hollow ponds and cargo container) to put in the posters as well.
- Talking about what days to shoot our scenes as we are now behind schedule.
- To use close up and extreme close ups to set the scene rather than just using an establishing shot.